Instructions for authors

Recherche en didactique des mathématiques is a high-level, peer-reviewed, single-blind, international research journal. Submitted articles must therefore meet the highest standards of scientific quality. The work described has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication in another journal.

The introduction to the article must allow the readers to understand the intention of the article; the problematic and the theoretical frameworks must be precisely described, the methodology and the results must be clearly stated, and the conclusions of the article must allow the readers to understand both the results that the authors believe they have established and the perspectives that they intend to open up.

The journal may accept articles that give more space to one or another part (theoretical, methodological, or experimental results).

Submission guidelines

  • Articles of 10,000 words or less are strongly encouraged (including abstracts, keywords, bibliography, and appendices). Articles requiring more extensive development may also be submitted, with justification at the time of initial submission. After evaluating the submitted justifications, the editors reserve the right to ask authors to submit a shortened version before the first round of review.
  • The abstract must be concise and precise, in the language of the article (between 100 and 150 words). It should state the purpose of the research, the context in which it was conducted, and the main results and conclusions. No acronyms, abbreviations or bibliographic references should appear in the abstract. However, if one or more references are essential to the topic, only the name(s) of the author(s) and the year should be included.
  • A maximum of six keywords should be suggested.
  • Spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, quality of figures/pictures/tables must be given special attention.
  • The bibliography must follow current APA standards. Include DOIs when available.
  • In the case of multiple authors, they are requested to indicate their respective contributions to the submitted article, following the CRediT taxonomy.
  • Format to be used: Articles should be written in a text editor (Word, Libre Office, etc.), not using imported styles, in Times Roman 12 pt. Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.

How to submit an article ?

The HAL account is used to connect to the journal's website. In case of a first deposit or if you do not have a HAL account, you must create an account. Submitting an article to the journal is a two-step process:

1) Creation of an account in the open archive HAL (documentation )

2) Submission of your preprint to RDM via HAL (tutorial)